For Immediate Release
“Yoga philosophy teaches that the years after midlife are an ideal time for psychological and spiritual growth. I’ve written this book for those who reject the notion that aging is an inevitable process of decline and who wish to explore yoga’s ascending path to physical and spiritual transformation.” – Suza Francina, author, The New Yoga for Healthy Aging
As one of America’s pioneers in the growing field of teaching yoga to seniors, Suza Francina is uniquely qualified to guide older adults and their teachers in the art and science of yoga practice for healthy aging. She has been working with seniors since age fourteen and began practicing yoga in her twenties. She first taught yoga at a retirement home and noticed even students in their eighties and nineties could grow stronger and more flexible.
Following her very popular first book, The New Yoga for People Over 50 and subsequent title, Yoga and the Wisdom of Menopause, Francina has written The New Yoga for Healthy Aging: Living Longer, Living Stronger and Loving Every Day (HCI Books – March 2007 — $16.95) In it, she counters negative stereotypes of aging with remarkable photographs of seemingly ageless yogis and yoginis and truly touching stories of yoga’s deep impact on older adult’s bodies, minds and spirits.
Even though yoga has entered the fitness mainstream, its full potential as a preventive and rehabilitative component in holistic, cutting-edge gerontology is just beginning to be explored. As 78 million baby boomers move into their senior years, more and more of them will be turning to yoga for both prevention and rehabilitation. In The New Yoga for Healthy Aging, readers will learn about the integration of yoga and Western medicine and what the emerging fields of yoga therapy and gerontology have to offer for building a foundation of healthy aging.
Here’s how it goes:
Chapter 1 – Peek into Suza Francina’s yoga class
Chapters 2, 3, and 4 – Learn about the special benefits of yoga props in later years
Chapters 5 – 8 – Focusing on the most common health challenges for the later years, learn about keeping our cardiovascular and skeletal systems healthy, relieving arthritic joints, and yoga after hip replacement surgery.
Chapter 9 – Discusses yoga for neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.
Chapter 10 – How to teach yoga to seniors.
Chapter 11 – Yoga sequences for healthy aging.
Chapter 12 – Examining the Savasana pose, or corpse pose. The posture that ends every yoga class. Facing death.
Combining the latest medical research with true stories from yoga teachers and older students about the transformative power of yoga, Suza Francina shows how yoga can keep people living independently and happily well into their eighties and beyond. Discover why her books outsell the others in this category.
Available at bookstores, or to order directly from the publisher, contact: or (800) 441-5569
Contact: Kim Weiss
(800) 851-9100 ex. 212