Yoga Practice
Interview with Suza Francina on Yoga and the Wisdom of Menopause
New Russian edition excerpt:
Author Interview on Yoga and Menopause – HCI Books(2003)
Update, December 1, 2015
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Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States
Frequently Asked Questions About Iyengar Yoga
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Yoga for Menopause and a Restorative Yoga Practice for Men and Women at Midlife and Beyond
The photographs on this page illustrate key poses for balancing our hormones, relieving stress, supporting pelvic health and replenishing our energy reserves during all the stages of life. These poses are vital for both men and women at midlife and beyond, especially as we face the many changes that life brings.

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Yoga and Writing Workshops/Retreats with Suza
Far Horizons Yoga Retreat August 5-9, 2015
Far Horizons is a rustic retreat center nestled in the majestic wilderness of Sequoia National Monument.
Reservations and Program Registration
2014 Workshops
2013 Workshops
Learning the Ropes – Yoga with Wall Ropes (Yoga Karunta)
Instructors: Suza Francina & Tina Chappel
Date: Saturday, November 9
Time: 12:30 – 3:30 PM
Cost: $40 by Nov 2 / $45 after
To preregister call 805-643-JONZ
For more info:
Note: Attendance will be limited to 12 participants.
Wall ropes are the most versatile and fun of yoga props. They support a tremendous range of movements and exercises. They can be used to stretch and strengthen all major muscle groups and relieve back pain, and are an antidote for the stiffness that tends to settle into the body at midlife and beyond. In this three-hour workshop, suitable for all levels, you will learn how to use wall ropes to:
– Stretch your shoulder and chest muscles
– Create spinal traction
– Practice standing poses
– Practice inverted poses
– Practice backbends
– Practice forward bends
– Stretch and strengthen muscles throughout the body
Yoga and Writing Workshops
The 3rd Annual Ojai WordFest, April 6–13 Writing and Yoga Workshop:
Journal Writing and Yoga Workshop with Suza Francina, author of Fishing on Facebook: A Writing Yoga Memoir who will share insights about the practice of daily journal writing as a path to self awareness and memoir writing. Suza has been journaling for more than 40 years. Workshop also includes instruction to create a simple, daily practice of gentle stretching and restorative yoga – ideal for writers and those sitting long hours at the computer. Bring a notebook & pen and wear comfortable, loose clothing. Fee includes a choice of one of Suza’s books. Ticket: $20
For more information, visit Suza’s journal writing blog, and her yoga & writing website,
Saturday, April 6, 2013, from 11:00 – 12:30pm,
Soul Centered Dome, 311 N. Montgomery Street, in Ojai
Journal Writing for Self-Awareness
Saturday, May 11, 2013
10:30 am –12:20 pm (free)
This workshop is part of the Annual May Krishnamurti Gathering 2013
E-mail for information about future Yoga Retreats.
Yoga at Midlife and Beyond Teacher Training with Suza Francina
Teacher Training 2013
To be announced
Teaching Yoga to People at Midlife and Older
Suza’s Favorite Books for Teaching Yoga to People Over 50
Suza’s Yoga Classes, Workshops, and Retreats
Schedule Updated December 6, 2015
No class the week before Christmas, Dec. 21–27
Schedule changes the week before New Year’s Day TBA
December 2015–January 2016
New address: 307 E. Matilija Street, Suite H (upstairs) above Trend Consignment Shop.
Cell: (805) 603-8635
Monday 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Thursday 10:30-12:00* (New Gentle Yoga/Beginner Class)
Friday 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Saturday 8:00-9:25 a.m.
Tuition for group classes in Ojai
To simplify my accounting, please pay tuition in blocks of four or more classes @ $20 per class:
4 classes $80
6 classes $120*
8 classes $160
* A special rate of 8 classes for $120 is available to students who come to class at least once a week on a regular basis. The time is extended during holidays but if there’s a big gap of time in class attendance, tuition converts back to 6 classes for $120
Note: In the spirit of yoga, no sincere, committed student is turned away due to lack of funds. Please inquire if you need a lower rate in order to attend on a regular basis.)
Drop-in fee is $20 (for first-time or out-of-town students)
I’m currently on a break from teaching the last Sunday of the month at Ventura Yoga Studio. Sunday classes continue with other staff teachers.
9:00-10:30 a.m, Restorative Yoga and 11:00-12:30 p.m. Levels 1 & 2.
For information about the Ventura Yoga Studio visit
Please inform Suza of any health issues, physical limitations, injuries, surgery, etc., before class. All classes begin and end with restful, supported Restorative Yoga Poses. Private lessons are available by appointment.
Class description: Suza’s Iyengar-style Yoga classes cover the safe-practice of all categories of poses: Restorative Poses, Standing Poses, Forward Bends, Back Bends, Twists, Inverted Poses, Lying Down Poses, Hip Openers, etc. Special attention is given to strengthening standing poses and deeply relaxing restorative yoga poses. Classes are unhurried, with plenty of props to provide support so that your practice is rejuvenating and restores your energy reserves. Those who are ready will learn the safe practice of the two-pillars of yoga: Headstand and Shoulderstand. Those who are new to yoga will have the opportunity to practice safe, gentle alternatives (Supported Legs-Up-the Wall Pose), suitable for beginners. Instruction includes back care basics and yoga for scoliosis.
Note: You may pay for private or group classes via PayPal
Private Yoga Lessons with Suza Francina
Effective June 2015
Cell: (805) 603-8635
For more info visit
Tuition for 60-minute private lesson
$100 single lesson
$360 four lessons
$700 eight lessons
Tuition for 90-minute private lesson
$150 single lesson
$500 four lessons
$800 eight lessons
Depending on individual needs, private lessons can be shared with one or two family members or friends, at no additional charge.
Note: There may be a travel fee if you live beyond the Ojai Valley
Workshops and sessions for larger groups are also available. Cost is determined by group size and travel distance. Please call or email for more information:
(805) 603-8635
You may pay for private lessons in advance via Paypal, or check or cash at the time of your lesson. (I do not take credit cards)
About Private Lessons
Private lessons are a way to learn yoga postures that you can safely practice at home with the support of common objects like a wall and a chair, and various yoga props. The individualized attention of a private lesson will deepen your understanding of how to use yoga so that your practice is truly healing and nurturing.
A private lessons will also help to prepare you for group classes and workshops.
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Contact Suza Francina
Cell: (805) 603-8635
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101, #407
Ojai, California 93023
Or friend me on Facebook and send a private message:
More Yoga in the Ojai Valley, Ventura County and Beyond
There are many excellent teachers and centers in the Ojai Valley and nearby Ventura area (Ventura is about a half hour drive from Ojai) to inspire and support your yoga practice.
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